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Producing a TV program introducing Japan to Togo and French-speaking countries of West Africa.


May 2016-2017


At the request of Steve Aklesso Bodjona, the first Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Republic of Togo in Japan (at the time of 2016), we produced a Japanese introduction program to broadcast in Togo and French-speaking regions of West Africa.


The video production was supported by JCOM Kisarazu and SHUHARI General Partnership Company, Mr. Mitsuya Sakamoto, and it was a one hour-program introducing Japanese drums, Japanese festivals and Japanese daily life. The translation company Primo is in charge of translation and narration. the production project was completed successfully to make the DVD after Mr. Bodjona's resignation.


In September 2017, we held a premieres party at the Dynamic Art Museum in Meguro, Tokyo. Mr. Sedaminou, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Republic of Togo, attended the party, and Iwao Kanazawa, the former president of the Kanazawa Iwao Memorial Foundation, offered a broadcast fee for Togo.


The network through this project led us to organize a French language course at the Dynamic Art Museum. And in the course, we played a role as a lecturer of tea ceremony and kimono.



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